Administration Stéphanie Gressin + 33 (0)2 40 35 70 88

Corporal Geography

Artistes praticiens à l'œuvre

Corporal geography - premier 2011 
Conception Miléna Gilabert
Dancers / praticians Miléna Gilabert, Blandine Minot Stora, Cécile Brousse, Cécile Ravenel

Throughout a period of 20 minutes, a person who is dressed and comfortably seated, is invited to experience contact and to briefly concentrate on his or her own corporal geography. The “dancer/ masseurs” go through postures creating “moving sculptures” between the two bodies. This process can happen in a public space, or be placed outside or inside a building.  


© S. Gressin

The little Armada is a sweetly subversive child-like action. The piece involves reversing roles (between the grownups and the children), a group of children will be in charge of treating the grownups, creating in the space and on the bodies a sensorial choreography orchestrated by the two female dancers. The performance can be experienced from several different angles, depending on if one is a child masseur, a consenting adult, or a spectator. The piece follows workshops with the children to transmit the material and the order of events.


Géographie Corporelle
Festival Whaou 2011 et 2013 – Le Manège de Reims
Festival Dedans/Dehors - Théâtre Brétigny
Festival «Côte à Côte»
Journées culturelles - Espace Culturel Gérard Philippe Fontenay-sous-Bois
"Printemps de la Petite Enfance" – Rethel
Festival Artapage - Paris
Le Grand R, la Roche-sur Yon
Théâtre Brétigny