Administration Stéphanie Gressin + 33 (0)2 40 35 70 88

H2O-NaCl-CaCO3 - Presse

Libération - 15th of december 2005

Julie Nioche, exploration gonflée
by Marie Christine Vernay ©

... Julie Nioche is definitely a fierce one. (...) There she comes, detached, with the most innocent face. Then she gets caught up in the game. The guitar devotes itself to creating a sound environment at first discreet, then captivating. The white structures inflate to excess. The dancer, seeming very small, attempts a breakthrough in the white immensity. Julie Nioche is not frail yet her figure becomes an erratic one... The impression is plastically faultless, and sensual.


Beaux Arts Magasine – December 2005

by Sabrina Weldman ©
...At the Festival d’Automne, Julie Nioche explores the illimited field of the body metamorphosis. She does so with a will to live the aesthetics unbridled, endlessly and well beyond dance. “H2O-NaCl-CaCO3” is a fluid landscape in which all the senses interfere...

L’humanité – December 2005

Julie Nioche danse sur des air-bags
Elle a présenté un spectacle extrêmement gonglé à la chapelle des Récollets, dans le cadre du Festival d'Automne.