Coordination Stéphanie Gressin + 33 (0)2 40 35 70 88

Voleuse - Presse

Surface - Julia Cooke

A woman lies on a stage. She rolls over, fidgeting as if sleeping, but pauses halfway through the movement, facing the audience. As she does this, half of her body remains suspended in mid-air. Each time she reaches, kicks, or stretches, she climbs higher, bound to a constellation of falling weights that lever her upwards. She struggles in flashes—here elegant, there frustrated—with the cords around her, seemingly unconscious all the while, until the weights are on the ground, and she hangs 13 feet above the stage. Then, suddenly, she sinks back down to the ground within a circle of rising weights.

Le journal de Saône-et-Loire - Jean-Marc Mazué, 23 novembre 2011
Bangalore Mirror - Khushali P Madhwani, 21 avril 2014
Théâtral magazine - Entretien avec Nathalie Simon, mars 2015